
Forming Tomorrow's Leaders

FEHE supports a network of 28 programs and institutes at 15 elite universities in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Our internal university programs are directed by select tenured professors who teach for-credit courses and mentor students. These programs also host lectures, conferences, and workshops, and have already established themselves as leading centers of inquiry on their campuses.

Our external institutes draw scholars and students from their home universities, host academic programming and events, and support our internal programs. Over the past decade, we have successfully replicated this unique model of internal programs supported by external institutes on elite campuses across the country.

Each member of our network shares a commitment to rigorous, civil, and open intellectual exchange across ideological difference.

The FEHE Network

FEHE’s programs and institutes serve the following elite university communities:

Columbia University

The Columbia Center for Clinical Medical Ethics

The Center for Clinical Medical Ethics, based in Columbia University’s Department of Medicine, fosters flourishing relationships between patients, doctors, and other medical professionals by supporting the ethical formation of medical trainees, encouraging intellectual friendship across difference, and facilitating public engagement on diverse ethical issues.

The Morningside Institute

The Morningside Institute is an independent center that brings scholars and students together to examine human life beyond the classroom and consider its deepest questions through perennial sources of wisdom and the life of New York City. In addition, the Morningside Institute hosts the Barry Center, which supports the research of young scholars, from across the humanities and sciences, allowing them to pursue meaningful research in some of the most respected academic institutions in the United States and abroad.

Duke University

The Civil Discourse Project

The Civil Discourse Project, based in the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University, sponsors courses, lectures, conferences, and research that encourage the cultivation of intellectual and civic virtues and strive to foster community across ideological divides.

Harvard University

The Human Flourishing Program

The Human Flourishing Program, based in Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science, studies and promotes human flourishing, and develops systematic approaches to the synthesis of knowledge across disciplines.

The Abigail Adams Institute

The Abigail Adams Institute is an independent scholarly institute dedicated to providing supplementary humanistic education to the Harvard intellectual community by exploring questions of deep human concern that cut across the boundaries of academic disciplines.

Johns Hopkins University

The Paul McHugh Program for Human Flourishing

The Paul McHugh Program for Human Flourishing, based in the Johns Hopkins Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, provides opportunities for physicians at all levels of training and practice at Johns Hopkins and beyond to explore philosophical questions about what it means to be human, to be a physician, and to lead a good life.

Princeton University

The James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions

The James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions, based in Princeton’s Department of Politics, is dedicated to exploring enduring questions of American constitutional law and Western political thought, as well as examining the application of basic legal and ethical principles to contemporary problems.

Philosophy, Religion, and Existential Commitments in Society (PRÉCIS)

PRÉCIS is an initiative of the Princeton Project in Philosophy and Religion, in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy, that fosters philosophical and theological reflection on how we should live.

The Aquinas Institute for Catholic Life

The Aquinas Institute is Princeton University’s Catholic ministry, serving the spiritual, sacramental, intellectual, and pastoral needs of the campus.

The Witherspoon Institute

The Witherspoon Institute is an independent center that renews culture by fostering the intellectual and moral formation of students, families, and tomorrow’s leaders.

Rice University

The Houston Institute

The Houston Institute is an independent center that helps students and faculty within the Rice University and Texas Medical Center communities to think deeply about the best way to live.

Stanford University

The Stanford Civics Initiative

The Stanford Civics Initiative, based in Stanford’s Department of Political Science, provides students with a series of interdisciplinary courses relevant to the ideas and practices of democratic citizenship.

The Zephyr Institute

The Zephyr Institute is an independent academic center that serves Stanford students, scholars, and young professionals through the study of perennial questions about the nature of the good life in order to evaluate the effects of emerging social, technological, and cultural trends.

University of California, Berkeley

The Berkeley Institute

The Berkeley Institute is an independent academic center that provides a space for Berkeley students to value their own intellectual life beyond professionalization and to take seriously both religious and intellectual commitments and questions.

University of Chicago

The Chicago Moral Philosophy Project

The Chicago Moral Philosophy Project sponsors visiting faculty in Chicago’s Department of Philosophy and provides support for students interested in practical philosophy—ethics, social and political philosophy, moral psychology, philosophy of action and decision, and work in the history of philosophy relevant to thought about good and bad in human life.

The Hyde Park Institute

The Hyde Park Institute is an independent academic center that enhances the role of moral philosophical thinking throughout the University of Chicago community with the goal of integrating intellectual, professional, and moral development.

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

The Illinois Forum on Human Flourishing in a Digital Age

Housed in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Illinois, the Illinois Forum on Human Flourishing in a Digital Age supports study of the possibilities for human flourishing in contemporary society.

University of Oxford

The Programme for the Foundations of Law and Constitutional Government

The Programme for the Foundations of Law and Constitutional Government, based in Oxford’s Faculty of Law, supports leading scholarly work on the nature of law and its social, political and moral foundations, the shape of sound constitutional order and constitutional principle, and the challenges to realizing the rule of law and constitutional government.

The Canterbury Institute

The Canterbury Institute is an independent center that promotes pursuit of the truth by supporting scholars in Oxford to discover anew their academic vocation. In addition, the Canterbury Institute hosts the Barry Scholarship, which provides generous funding and an advanced program of activities for ten American students to pursue graduate studies at Oxford each year.

University of Pennsylvania

The Penn Initiative for the Study of Markets

The Penn Initiative for the Study of Markets, based in Penn’s Department of Economics, sponsors programming for undergraduate and graduate students that examines the historical experience of markets and their philosophical foundations.

The Collegium Institute

The Collegium Institute is an independent center that fosters the Catholic intellectual tradition, and the liberal tradition of humane studies more broadly, within the University of Pennsylvania community.

University of Pittsburgh

The Beatrice Institute

The Beatrice Institute is an independent center that supports advanced inquiry in the Christian intellectual and cultural traditions.

University of Texas, Austin

The 21st Century Family Initiative

The 21st Century Family Initiative, based in UTA’s College of Liberal Arts, focuses on research and publication on sexual relationship behavior, marriage, and family flourishing.

The Austin Institute for the Study of Family and Culture

The Austin Institute is an independent center that provides a place for research scholars and UTA students and faculty to examine the truths of love, the family, and human sexuality.

Yale University

The Yale Initiative on Civic Thought

The Yale Initiative on Civic Thought enhances the historical, moral, and philosophical dimensions of citizenship and human flourishing at Yale by creating a community of intellectual peers and mentoring relationships between students and senior faculty for the open discussion of fundamental moral and political questions.

The Elm Institute

The Elm Institute is an independent center that collaborates with Yale faculty, schools, and programs to promote sustained philosophical inquiry and to foster reflection on the nature of reality and about the nature of the good life.

The Academic Freedom Alliance

The Academic Freedom Alliance is a non-profit organization whose members are dedicated to protecting the rights of faculty members at colleges and universities to speak, instruct, and publish without fear of sanction or punishment.

The American Academy of Sciences and Letters

The American Academy of Sciences and Letters honors exceptional achievement in the arts, sciences, and learned professions.